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All District

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by JHeyKid#22, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    Typically, you won't have to look any further than the player's coach to find out who dropped the ball.

    I might also add that if it is not brought to the coach's attention it is likely to repeat next season.
  2. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2010
    Last year after no one from our High School made the All-District or All-State list, I asked one of the coaches why no one was nominated and was told "We no longer have an All-District or All-State player on this team." While I could not disagree with this assessment overall, I had to wonder well, what about the junior pitcher that the year prior was nominated, and was named All-District Pitcher of the Year?

    There were some talented players from other schools in our District, including one that is continuing on to NCSU to play where no one was nominated and in those cases the response was "don't have the time" and "I forgot".

    I don't think many coaches realize how important these honors are to their players and that not participating in the process has a profound effect. I can look at the list and see several player in numerous districts that I would not see as "All-District" players, and given the lists - ESPECIALLY in the East - are so small, they will become "All-State" players as well. In the meantime, many girls that belong here will not be. So sad.
  3. waffle44

    waffle44 Junior Member

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    Feb 22, 2011
    I believe there is a provision in the application process for individuals to be nominated even if their coach does not participate. You could contact members of the coaches association and get involved for those girls you wish to receive consideration. You would need to become a member of the NCSCA

    North Carolina Softball Coaches Association -- About Us

    "Full voting membership is open to any officially recognized high school or middle school head or assistant coach, paid or volunteer. An associate (non-voting) membership is available to other individuals desiring to support the association's efforts."

    From the all district application:
    "NCSCA members may nominate players from schools
    other than their own ONLY if those coaches choose not to participate"

    Hope that is correct and helps. Sometimes deserving girls do get left out.
  4. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    Wonder how one would know if the coaches choose not to participate in time to nominate players.
  5. waffle44

    waffle44 Junior Member

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    Feb 22, 2011
    You could ask, but that could be too awkward. If they have not participated in the past, you could assume they wouldn't bother in following years. I might take a chance and nominate several girls I thought were deserving. Worst case, the association would tell you that their coach was participating, and that they could not use your nomination. Best case, a girl gets deserved recognition. It would take a little work though, you need stats and stuff. I am not that creative, so there are probably other approaches. Maybe better than just sitting on your hands and wishing, maybe not. If you joined the NCSCA, you would at least be supporting a group that does care about the girls and the sport.
  6. PhoenixPhan

    PhoenixPhan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 9, 2009
  7. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    Maybe it would be a good idea to designate a PR person for each team or add PR responsibilities to the scorekeepers' duties, for example.

    I don't believe it's intentional that nominations aren't made. It's very easy for something like this to slip through the cracks in the midst of conference/playoff competition. If someone was specifically assigned a PR role it would have a better chance of getting done.

    I would also suggest that an official-looking list of players who did make the selection be sent to all the schools' ADs and maybe even Principals in the various regions. When the right people start asking "where's our players?" then things start to happen!

    Having a PR person would go a long way in promoting the sport in the news media as well. Soccer is very good with their PR.
  8. CAdamsNCSCA

    CAdamsNCSCA Loving Life

    Likes Received:
    Sep 2, 2010
    Wilmington, NC
    In compiling the All-District and All-State lists, we make every effort to be sure all coaches have a chance to nominate their or other players. If the nominations are not made we can not recognize the deserving players. As to the process, the nomination form has to have a coach or AD's signature. If the nominations are made by anyone else we will make every effort to contact the coach to be sure the stats are correct and they agree with the nomination.
  9. High and tight or in

    High and tight or in Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 22, 2013
    The sad part about the process is that you have teams that have all 9 players making All District. When I see that take place, it takes away the importance of making the team. I also see girls that made 2nd team in their conference and make All District. Get real folks, I hope we are past the stage that everybody gets a trophy.
  10. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2005
    According to NCHSAA, 8648 players participated in high school softball during the 2013 season. I haven't counted, but looking at the list I don't think everybody got a trophy!

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