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Children making decisions

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by fastpitchdad1994, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007

    Because you are supporting my logic with your question.

    You take the $1,000,000 and manage it as her parents - The same thing you do when they get an offer, you parent through the process. You don't just say "no". With your logic, you turn down the $1,000,000 and hope it is offered again in 2 years.

    I agree with most of what you guys are saying; however, if offered you have to make a decision. And, the decision in ALL situations should not be "no". In fact, the vast majority should be "not yet" as freshman but some are in the right situation and are prepared to commit based on the situation.
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    I remember talking to CD about this and he pops stats off like its nothing...CD?????

    my comparison would be more geared to if they stayed with their original commitment....and followed through...

    jaded by a few huh? like that, but that circle grows as more drink the koolaid
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    by the way, these are the types of discussions that used to fill this forum.....I honor your opinion, you honor mine.....things have changed somewhat, but I appreciate all who have spoke up about this...
  4. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC

    At no point did I ever support your logic and can't even conceive how you could even come up with that. What I said is it would be ridiculous for a 14 year old to be able to handle & manage a $1,000,000.00 plus dollars. Would a 14 year old turn down this money...... absolutely not but it doesn't mean they should have it. What I have said and stand firm with is a 14 year old should never make this type of decision EVER. Regardless of how you try and justify it or even try and spin it, the maturity level just isn't there at that age and I believe that parents can and do get caught up the "courtship" of the recruiting process and give misguided direction for the wrong reason at times.

    As Cheeze already alluded to, there seems to be more and more the "ME" mentality and less of the "WE" mentality as what it should be about. I didn't start this thread or respond to another to try and change anybody's mind but more so express my displeasure of what I have been seeing a lot more of. I do believe it's wrong and does a disservice to the young ladies before they even have the chance to start. I also believe there are ones that are doing nothing more than promoting their on agenda at the expense of others only to say "look what I/We did for such & such girl(s) so come play for us and you'll get the same". I don't expect to change your mind as you believe what you believe for whatever reason you do but know this, I am not the only person that looks at this the same way and because someone else see's a similar or likewise thought process doesn't make them jaded.

    I'll ask you the same question that I have asked 3 or 4 times already and yet to get an answer for, how young is to young???
  5. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007

    And I will answer it the same way I have already... it depends on the situation.
  6. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC

    So based on your thought process, a 12 year could conceivably make this decision?????
  7. LadyTigers

    LadyTigers Member

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    Jun 7, 2011
    This thread is reaching the “epic” status. Hate to throw fuel on this fire, but here goes..
    I think we all agree that early recruitment is a problem, no one is saying it’s a good thing, not even the college coaches I regularly speak with. In fact, several softball coaches have sought approval from the NCAA this fall for proposals that would limit recruiting of younger students. If you were to put all your energy into going after the NCAA versus John Corn, perhaps start a petition, I bet you would get thousands of signatures from coaches, travel coaches, parents, etc including John Corn and every other travel organization leader.
    The NCAA appears to not want to do anything, so then you would need to hope that college coaches would agree to be self-regulated, and you know that is not going to happen. Many colleges we know say they will not start recruiting process until you’re a sophomore and likely won’t make offers to junior year, but sadly this is a minority. Most coaches simply agree they have to do it to remain competitive at the D1 level for sure. Going after the leader of one travel organization like he is an example of all that is wrong with softball and the major reason this is taking place is totally misguided, and throwing everyone else into the same category when you are not aware of individual situations is also misguided. This started with large D1 schools offering 8th and 9th graders, and has trickled down from there. Travel organizations did not start this phenomenom, college coaches did.
    Almost every major travel organization across the country I am aware of has had 2019s verbal, all of these organizations and hundreds of college coaches attend 14u showcase events that are put on by almost every major sanctioning body across the USA. Using your logic, we should just refuse to attend these because after all, there designed to showcase your skills and talents to coaches proven to make offers at early ages. And for any kids who have received offers, they all should say no, because there 14 – so every situation is the same you see no situation where this could be a good thing. Any parent or coach who allows a 14 year old to verbal to a school is inherently bad and only guided by self-interest. Its all black or all white to you – there is no grey.
    If we peel apart the argument we would all be united in the idea that early recruiting is bad, but it seems like there have been no solutions offered that are compelling besides saying “no” and that any coach or parent that allows it to happen is evil. The problem was started by college coaches, not travel coaches. Unfortunately the rules of the game have changed until there are clear guidelines (which would still likely not be followed), nothing is going to change.
    In closing, what I find most disturbing is waiting until you saw a post from John Corn (who signed his name unlike you) to pounce on it when he has one 2019 verbal among 32 other deserving kids and went after him personally, and when there are thousands of examples like it that you let pass until you see anything from John Corn. Post about kids verballing go up here daily for the past several years, the forum is intended to be a vehicle for that. Opinions related to recruiting are also part of this forum, but you used what was designed to congratulate 32 kids, picked out one 2019 kid, and let it rip. Say what you want but there are a lot of girls who are working hard and fulfilling an opportunity to get an education and play ball and should just be congratulated for it – versus using that moment to tout your personal opinions and obvious disgust toward one person.
    So, this is what this thread has established, and I don’t even think you can argue this. 1) Everyone agrees early recruiting is bad and not generally good for the player, as well as the college coach/program 2) you don’t like John Corn 3) “No” is the only answer everytime if your 14, no exceptions.
    The difference between all the opinions lies in who you see as the cause of this early recruiting and who you think can make lasting change, I see it as college coaches and the NCAA, you see it as John Corn(other org leaders)/parents just saying” no”…that’s not a real solution. That’s the tail wagging the dog. But I’m sure anyone with a tag line of “Just ask me…I’ll tell you Im right” you could care less what I think,
    My daughter is 14, she has visited a bunch of schools, gone on campus visits, talked to counselors, gone to camps, narrowed down her list to s amall number of schools and will take her time evaluating opportunities, her mom and I will guide and counsel her thru it, as will her coaches we trust and if she comes to a decision if she is to get an offer that that school will provide both a solid education that will be aided by a scholarship, and get to play ball, and is a school she would want to go to if there was softball or not, and she accepts – does that make me a bad Father, is my wife stupid, are her coaches just consumed with themselves? (that's my response to how young is too young..I know my kid...I know some 18 year olds who I wouldn't trust at all to decide anything..there are distinctions that can be made..But yes I wish there were goudelines in place making it later for all parties involved to reduce risk for all parties involved...hopefully we all agree with at least that)
    This thread will continue until someone wants to talk about Monte Sherriill , and then the internet will be brought to its knees with more of the same…at least its free entertainment.
    Dave Maddaluna / Lady Tigers Softball (I signed my name)

  8. JHeyKid#22

    JHeyKid#22 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 12, 2010
    Excellent post Dave, very well put!
  9. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    hey, glad you signed your name, but most of us know who you are Dave...this discussion started long before corn posted his commitments, so that part is null and void.....doesn't make you, your wife or your daughter stupid.....hate that word.....perhaps unconventional in regards to what was, which is the basis of the whole argument to 1994. glad you gave your opinion, but I don't see where anyone is bashing corn....he didn't start this adventure....I've seen at least 11 commitments from 13/14 year olds.....and like you, I don't see this trend ending...but will it get worse???? will it be extended to 10/11/12 year olds in the future?

    please, nothing about Sherrill, that is totally a college thing now.....not preps
  10. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    Nathan, you have a dog in this fight??????

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