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2011 North Carolina All State Posted

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by coach44, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    Do you think all the young ladies participating in the state games should at a minimum been at least all-district? Would you be surprised if any were not?
  2. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

    Likes Received:
    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    Hard to say!

    That is a difficult question to answer. All-District should be nominated and chosen for play accumulated over a 24 game season or more if playoffs are included. I am sure there were some girls in the State Games who did not receive All-recognition for some reason or another. It comes down to the player not being nominated by their coach in some instances. The State Games players are chosen on the strength of one or two tryout sessions. It would be hard to compare the two. I stand by my statement that every girl I watched compete in the State Games should have been at the least All-District.
  3. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    Kristen Krebs, Holly Springs
    Jenna Firestein, Holly Springs

    Both of them should have been All State.
  4. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

    Likes Received:
    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    Thanks for the opinion.

    There are available spots on the All-District and All-State committees if you would like to step up.
  5. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    I can tell from this discussion that would never work. I can see there is no good solution so I'll butt out of it.
  6. ninesdad

    ninesdad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 17, 2011

    My earlier point about Glenn was not intended to call either for a revamping of the entire process or for doing away with the awards altogether. I expressed a much narrower concern: How does a team with an 18-8 record that won one game in the 4A state tournament wind up with 8 of its 9 starters being named all state? (or 10 all-district players, for that matter?)

    Looking back over the all-district and all-state selections the past few years, I see that sometimes a single team will have as many as 10 all-district selections and as many as 9 all-state selections. To me, that reflects something awry with the selection process. In no other sport, do entire teams make all conference or all-America or all-whatever. (If it happens, it's extremely rare.).

    I agree that "recognizing kids is never a bad thing"--but if that's all that matters, then let's make every starter all district and give all-state awards to the top five players on every team, as selected by their own coaches. I doubt that would be acceptable because many would think that such a process is not "selective" enough. But that's my point--the process, to maintain its integrity, must be sufficiently selective for the awards to have proper meaning. Now, while we all will draw the selectivity line in somewhat different places, I would hope that there would be wide agreement that ENTIRE TEAMS (or almost entire teams) of girls should not receive all-district/all-state awards, except perhaps in the most exceptional of circumstances.

    Right now, this does not occur often enough to reflect a problem with the system as a whole. Perhaps the NCSCA could address the situation on a case-by-case basis by notifying the offending selection committees that they have made too many selections from a particular team and ask them to reduce the number. Perhaps some general guidelines regarding an upper limit should be announced, but with the understanding that they could be waived in truly exceptional circumstances. All that is necessary is that "better judgment" prevail at the state level over the few coaches who apparently have too much control over the selection process. That would ensure that the process remains the great honor that it has been for truly deserving players.

    Just my two cents!
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
  7. ucballer

    ucballer Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2010
    Oh well

    Its nice for the kids to get these honors but how many all conference,all district and all state players are sitting on a college benches?My guess is that college coaches can care less about the high school awards they want to see what you have one the field not on paper.There are to many people using erasers while keeping scorebooks this does nothing but make the kid look bad if she is ever put infront of a college coach.Well her stats say she batted .700 and her fielding percentage is .1000 well she just struck out and made 2 errors in the field my quess the coach is scratching his or her head.Its HS ball just give out a letter and a pin every year after that and let the kids have fun there is enough pressure on them in travel ball.Politics in the sport is what really chooses who gets what in too many cases now days.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I don't know if this would help, but on the baseball side, one must be a POY of their conference to be considered. It eliminates coaches lack of participation in the voting procedures and eliminates multiple players from a particular team.

    When you think about it, if you were considered the best in your conference, then you should be considered for All State. Does this mean they are an automatic selection? No. But it certainly narrows the list for selection of very deserving players.
  9. Chuteboxhero

    Chuteboxhero Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2011
    Couldn't agree more. Give them all a letter and be done with it.
  10. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2003
    Why does everything always come back to "college ball". While a small percentage of girls are wanting to play in college the majority of the ones playing are doing so just for the fun of it and have no desire to play after high school. It seems that most of the adults on here forget to enjoy the experience of their daughters school playing days because all they think about is getting them seen or them being good enough to play in college. Let the girls enjoy getting recognized no matter what the process and enjoy it along with them. As for the ones that do go on to play they will soon tell you that the fun times were the times they played before college. That's probablly the reason most of the ones that go on to play only play one year

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