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conversation about getting to college

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cheeze105, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    this seems to be the time of year where we talk about getting recruited and the steps you must consider and take to get to the school of your choice.

    now this year, through tbr, we helped put over a dozen girls in different colleges and those are just the ones we know about.

    but one thing i've seen this year is the number of girls who are quite capable of playing at the next level, but dont come close to having the grades/sat/act scores to become eligible and be looked at.

    we cant preach this enough, you must keep your grades up.... if you're having difficulities in a particular subject, seek help, tutoring isnt a bad thing when you look at the big prize in front of you.

    here's the other thing, most of the girls who get scholarships, get more money for academics than for playing softball, and when you're trying to get into a college who charges between $20,000 and $28,000, every penny counts. I mean its like this, either your going to get a student loan to cover the money not paid on scholarships, and i know of a couple of players who had poor academics and ended up with a four year total of $64,000.00 which they will spend some time paying back. on the other hand, I know of some who had great academics, attending the same college who only had a four year total of $12,000.00 to pay back, all receiving the same amount of softball money with the difference being academics grants/scholarships. (this is a private school which costs about 28K a year with staying on campus).
    now, most will come out of college in nursing and make between $20-32 per hour depending upon jobs acquired.

    my point is that you need to do everything in your power to keep those grades up. i will use my daughter as an example, she chose to attend a nursing college in charlotte. she was in the top ten in her hs class (shocked me too), tested very well in sat's, applied for three scholarships/grants in her freshman year. the cost of tuition at that time was $18k per year, not staying on campus. she received $15k in grants/scholarships. now she was offered the final 3K to play sports, but turned it down for her own reasons which we accepted.

    STUDY, STUDY, STUDY, STUDY and if you're lost, find help, there is no shame in being tutored, no shame in admiting you're lost. finding help and understanding what you're trying to be taught has great rewards. (especially if you have to take the loan out yourself....alright, great for the parents who shell out the money too)

  2. Mrs. change-up2

    Mrs. change-up2 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 16, 2008
    WNC north of Asheville

    My husband and I totally agree with you!!!!Grades are so very important...We have always insisted that both our daughters apply themselves whole heartedly in their academic work...Let's also not forget that it is also the classes they take such as Honors and AP courses that will enable them to go to the next level in their academic pursuits....My oldest daughter who graduated this year had a weighted GPA of 4.75 and graduated with over 20+ college hours credit to boot. She received the North Carolina Teachers Fellow Scholarship , and a state and federal grant to assist with her college expenses...I wish ALL parents would follow your ADVICE....Softball is an awesome sport but.... Let's all be real.....It is our responsibility to ensure that our children are preparing themselves for the rest of their lives.
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    you know, i had forgotten about that, my dd had enough credits to push her ahead of everyone by one semester and put her in the nursing program one semester early. dont know if she will graduate early, but we can always hope. taking on line college classes and summer college classes wont hurt you in highschool. local community college charges 45-60 per credit hour vs 165-185 for D1/D2 colleges.
  4. Toots

    Toots Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 28, 2007
    It's about time!!

    I'm so glad to hear someone finally come out and say what it is really like in the college recruiting world when it comes down to the actual $ costs! I never ever hear our TB coach talk about academics and how important grades are and what it takes to actually get accepted into college. There is some misconception among players that if they get offered a scholarship to play ball that it means they are automatically going to that particular school. Not true, most have to be accepted into the school first like any other student. How many times do you hear that so and so got offered but grades weren't good enough? Glad to hear someone point out that softball scholarships are miniscule compared to the overall costs of the school itself. I hear all of the time how someone got a full ride to play softball. I highly doubt that....those are far and few between unless maybe you are a top notch pitcher going to a big D1 program. Let's be realistic with our kids and like someone else said it is our job as parents to prepare them for life. If they are lucky, softball can be part of the bigger picture.
  5. scowall

    scowall Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 20, 2007
    +100, grades are the most important thing, softball will end but you work for the the long haul. i have 1 in nursing school at a private collage, no playing softball, could not keep up her clinical work and play, other is 13 and thinks she will play professional after her law degree, i just shake my head. my point is i dont want either of my girls to depend on a man to keep them up, you work hard and make you own way in life!!!!!! i get a kick of the parents who think their daughters will all get a scholarship just playing ball, grades, grades, are the way to a scholarship..........thanks scott
  6. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    Great conversation. Too many girls/athletes/parents don't get this. You have to work your butts off on and off the field to get what you want but softball/sports will eventually end.

    We actually benched (told the coach she wasn't allowed to play) our oldest DD in HS because she was slacking off with her grades. Her coach didn't like it since she was a starter but we told them her grades come before everything else and we meant it. Once we (her parents) released her to play again, her coach benched her for getting benched by us. :) She got the message!

    As stated in a couple of the interviews cheeze did, they need to figure out what they want to do in life, find a college that offers them the best opportunity to get there, understand what it takes to get there, and then worry about softball.
  7. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Gender Counts !!!

    Just to take a moment away from the greatest sport of all, I would like to express my thoughts on scholarship monies,etc.. As alot of you know I have twin sons at App.State; we applied for many scholarships, and got denied for various reasons. My oldest son scored a 1240 on the SAT when it was 1600 and the other a 1460 almost had a perfect score on the English, neither one got any monies for scholastics...GO Figure !!! One of my kids works for an internship up in Boone as a journalist for one of the local newspapers, and has corrected the editor of the paper on many occasions, he is only 21 and he isn't a DUMMY like his ole man, but could not get any help monetary on his scholastics. Both kids were in the top 10% of the high school class # 23 & #26 / Honor Society out of 300 plus kids.. NO MONEY--WHY ????

  8. SIFan

    SIFan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2007
    It seems that D1 schools don't give nearly as much money for grades as D2 & D3. If course D2 & D3 cost a good bit more usually so they need to give more. And they have money to give where the state school don't. You have to weigh it out in the end and see which one will cost you more if that is your goal. Getting no money at a school that costs $10,000 a year or getting $16,000 in accademic money at a school that costs $26,000. a year? Which one is better for your kid or which one is she passionate about? That is the real question since she needs to be there and graduate in four years or so. But at least with the grades being good she has the choise of all those D2 & D3 schools as well as the D1's, with or without softball being in the mix.

    Our Valedictorian this year is going to Chapel Hill, he had a 4.2 GPA and he is not getting any academic money:-(.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
  9. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Wow- Unreal !!!

    There you go !!! HE !!!

  10. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    I just went through the scholarship process with my dd (academics only) and found there's much better odds in applying for local scholarships than the university academic money. She applied but got no money awarded by the university scholarships, and she was in the top 7% of her class of over 400 graduates! She did get a few local scholarships and one that is awarded on a regional basis.

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