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Pop Rivers
Last Activity:
Aug 26, 2016
Jun 2, 2005
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Jan 9, 1957 (Age: 68)
Wingate, NC

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Pop Rivers

NCSCA, 68, from Wingate, NC

Pop Rivers was last seen:
Aug 26, 2016
    1. hitnrun
      pop i have a question are home schooled kids in your school district eligble to play for their area highschool and if they are what type paper work do they need to be eligible
    2. Pop Rivers
      Pop Rivers
      Diamonds, did you get my message on Sunday?
    3. diamonds
      Hey, my daughter made All district and All State for 2010 and 2011 but she did not recieve a certificate. She just graduated. Is the certificate mailed to the kids or does the high school have them. We have ask the Athletic Directer and her softball coach but have not recieved them. This is a great honor and I would like to get these certificates. Can you help?
    4. hitnrun
      pops when are the dead periods that you can't work with your team ,been told different times and figured you could tell me for sure
    5. Pop Rivers
      Pop Rivers
      Hey Joe,
      I do have Julia's money. I want to get all the checks and send one mailing to North Carolina Amateur Sports. I guess I should have made that a little more clear to the girls. Like in everything else, there are a few stragglers who have not paid and are holding up the process. I guess I am going to have to make a few calls. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding. Please don't beat me up on TBR. I can't take many more punches to the mouth without fighting back. Go St. Stephens!!!!!

    6. Ghost Rider
      Ghost Rider
      Hey Coach!

      Let me know that you got Julia Wakefield's $35.00 for uniforms. Saw that it hasn't been posted yet on my account.

      Thanks, Joe Wakefield
    7. FPitch99
      Hey Pop!

      If you get a chance, please check your work (school) email. I have sent you a couple of emails this morning regarding Steph and Senior Games tryout. Sorry for the late notice on this.

      Thanks, Greg Spain
    8. scal
      Pop,I've got a travel ball coach who wants to come to the coaches clinic. Was wondering if you could tell me what kinds of coaching clinic type stuff to help him as a coach. You know what I mean? Like a coaching skills type thing. Appreciate the help.
      hey pop,
      thanks for all the time and work you put in!!
      when does the all state awards get ann.?
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  • About

    Jan 9, 1957 (Age: 68)
    Wingate, NC

    Softball/Playing Guitar